Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Dirty Dozen gets increase

The Dirty Dozen gets increase

The United Nations has classified nine other chemicals as hazardous environmental d5318 battery toxins and want to ban their production. Are protected mainly by children, because the poisons are used in many everyday products used.

As the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in Geneva announced that the organic pollutants should be added to the list of the "Stockholm Convention" to the current twelve substances are listed, "the so-called" dirty dozen. The substances are among other things as pesticides and flame retardants used.

"This is a clear signal that governments around the world take seriously the risks u4873 battery posed by these toxic substances," said UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner. The nine chemicals that are especially dangerous for children, including the insecticide lindane and its related chemicals alpha-and beta-hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH). The latter are currently not produced more directly, but are a byproduct in the manufacture of lindane, which is also produced only in very few countries.

In addition to different flame retardants are banned and that hexabromobiphenyl and two groups of Bromdiphenylethern. Even the new insecticide chlordecone is on the prohibited list. The starting material for plant pentachlorobenzene (PeCB vgp-bps8 battery) was also prohibited. With perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) and its derivatives so far textiles and paper were made in fat and water resistant, they are next on the list.

"It is the brominated flame retardants and fluorinated chemicals are found in very many consumer products, that is, for example, electronic goods, mattresses, textiles, Patricia Cameron said of the federal government for the Environment and Earth Germany (BUND), the Germany radio lenovo thinkpad t500 battery.

"You" chronic, long-term damage and also damage to the next generation, which is of course a special problem cause. "Would thus brought brominated flame retardants on the influence on the nerves with behavioral disorders. The fluoride compounds are harmful to reproductive capacity, "and she also just cause cancer."

Via: The Dirty Dozen gets increase